Long-term Supply Agreement: Definition & Sample


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What is a Long-term Supply Agreement?

A long-term supply agreement (LTA) is a type of contract that sets out the terms and conditions for supplying goods or services over a period of time, typically longer than one year. LTAs can provide benefits for both buyers and sellers, but it's important to ensure that all parties are clear on the expectations and obligations set out in the agreement.

Common Sections in Long-term Supply Agreements

Below is a list of common sections included in Long-term Supply Agreements. These sections are linked to the below sample agreement for you to explore.

Long-term Supply Agreement Sample

Confidential Treatment Requested





This Long Term Supply Agreement (“Agreement”), made and entered into this day of March 16, 2005, between Active Power, Inc, a Delaware corporation, with offices at 2128 West Braker, Austin, Texas 78758, hereinafter referred to as “Active Power” and GE Zenith Controls, Inc., a Delaware corporation, (and a wholly owned subsidiary of General Electric Company a/k/a GE) with offices at 830 West 40 th Street, Chicago, IL 60609, hereinafter referred to as “GE Zenith”.

Whereas, Active Power is a user/reseller of, Uninterruptible Power Supplies and related accessories, hereinafter “Products” and desires to purchase Products from GE Zenith and Whereas, GE Zenith is a producer of said Products that Active Power desires and is willing to produce and sell the same to Active Power upon the terms and conditions hereinafter stated.

NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:

1.1 Initial Term & Renewal: The initial term of this Agreement shall be four years from March 16, 2005, the “Effective Date” and to December 31, 2009. Price will be re-negotiated every October beginning October 2006, effective Jan 1 st of the following year. The initial term shall be automatically renewed for one (1) year terms unless either party shall give written notice to the contrary not less than six (6) months prior to what would otherwise be the termination date of this agreement.

Section 2. Quantities, Ordering, and Shipment

2.1 Quantities: There are no specific or minimum quantities of Products required to be ordered by Active Power under this Agreement.
2.2 Ordering: The ordering of Products by Active Power from GE Zenith shall be made through Active Power purchase orders. Expected lead times as shown in Exhibit C – Delivery Lead Times.
2.3 Shipment: GE Factory Prepaid and Add. GE Zenith shall notify the designated Active Power contact if any product will not be shipped on the date required by Active Power and anticipated reason for late shipments or failure to ship. Such notification shall be made via e-mail at least 10 working days prior to the originally expected ship date, as practical.
2.4 Cancellation: Active Power may cancel any Purchase Order that is scheduled for delivery in twenty (20) days or greater, by giving GE Zenith at least ten (10) business days written notice. In the event of cancellation, Active Power’s liability shall be limited to cancellation charges based on costs for material and labor already added to product that is unique to Active Power configurations. For units 300 kVA and above, 15% cancellation charges apply.
2.5 Reschedules: Active Power may reschedule the delivery of any Purchase Order in fifteen (15) days or greater of delivery dates by giving GE Zenith at least five (5) business days written notice. Reschedules may not extend original delivery dates more than ninety (90) days.

Section 3. Pricing and Payment

3.1 Prices for Uninterruptible Power Supplies and Accessories are in Exhibit A. Price List.
3.2 Prices are firm for the initial two-year term through December 31, 2006 as contained in the attached price lists, which hereafter is called the reference base period. During the first two-year period, prices may be adjusted with 90-day notice, if the value of a special index, which is described in Attachment #3, increases by more than 10% from the effective date of this contract.
3.3 “Invoice Price” will be the annual contractually agreed upon price in effect for the item at time of order placement.
3.4 Payment terms will be net 45 days from date of Shipment with Shipment made FOB GE Factory, Bonham, TX. Standard GE terms and conditions of sale apply and attached in Attachment #2.

Section 4. Warranty and Product Safety Approvals

4.1 GE Zenith will supply Active Power with an 18 – month Parts and Labor warranty from shipment, or 12 month from startup; whichever occurs first. GE Zenith’s standard warranty and responsibility, as defined in GE Zenith’s Order Acknowledgement, shall apply to Active Power’s customers and users of said product.
4.2 See Attachment #2.
4.3 The UPS is designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with the applicable portions of standards listed in Exhibit B – Product Safety Approvals
4.4 Warranty Service shall be provided by an Active Power Certified technical Support Engineer or one of Active Power’s Qualified Service & Support Vendors for GE Zenith Products

sold by Active Power. GE Zenith shall reimburse Active Power for the agreed upon expenses for labor, travel and other costs associated with a warranty repair. GE Zenith will provide a reimbursement schedule for warranty items. Only one warranty repair allowed per unit unless authorized by GE Zenith. GE Zenith shall reimburse Active Power for any part consumed on a warranty related repair. Active Power may contact GE Zenith to supply any warranty repair or service under the standard GE Zenith product warranty. Active Power or any one of Active Power’s Qualified Service & Support Vendors will only perform service on GE Zenith Units sold by Active Power unless otherwise authorized by GE. This same condition applies to GE Zenith if Active Power hires GE to service Active Power units.

4.5 Product Service Training: GE Zenith shall provide at its cost the first service training class on products sold by Active Power. The class shall be limited to 8 service and training personnel from Active Power’s corporate head quarters. Class shall include all manuals and software and special tools to commission, maintain and service GE Zenith Products sold by Active Power. Travel and lodging expenses for the trainees shall be at the expense of Active Power. Any additional training classes provided by GE Zenith shall be billable at the prevailing or normal class rate. GE Zenith is responsible for ensuring that the course content achieves the goals of training Active Power’s personnel in the ability to properly inspect the installation of, perform the commissioning of, perform the routine maintenance of and supply emergency diagnostic and repair of GE Zenith products sold by Active Power.

Section 5. Confidentiality/Non-Disclosure Agreement

5.1 See Attachment #1.

Section 6. Termination

6.1 A party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement with immediate effect by notice in writing to the other party without any further liability: If the other party shall at any time (a) Be adjudged bankrupt or insolvent; (b) Make any assignment for the benefit of its creditors; or, (c) Voluntarily liquidate; if a receiver or other equivalent officer is appointed by any court or governmental authority or any third party to administer or liquidate the other party; or in the event of dissolution proceedings by or against the other party.
6.2 After the first twelve (12) months, a party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement with twelve (12) months notice in writing to the other party without further liability: (a) If the other party defaults in the performance of any provision of this Agreement (except payment)

and continues in default thereof for thirty (30) days after notice to such other party of the default; or, (b) If, with respect to payment, Active Power fails to make payment to GE Zenith within the time provided herein and the failure continues for sixty (60) days after receipt of written demand for payment.

Section 7. Non-Performance

7.1 Neither party hereto shall be liable to the other for failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement, in whole or in part, when performance is prevented by flood, drought, fire or any other casualty, war, riot, insurrection, acts of God, restrictions or interferences by any government or governmental agency, strike, work stoppage or slowdown, or other similar causes beyond the control of the party so failing to perform.

Section 8. Assignment

8.1 Neither party hereto shall have the right to assign any of its rights and obligations under this Agreement to any other person, firm or corporation without written consent of the other party, such written consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

Section 9. Notices

9.1 Any notice that either party desires or is required under this Agreement to give to the other shall be in writing, either delivered personally or sent by registered air mail or email, addressed, as appropriate to the UPS General Manager or GM Sales -GE Zenith or to the respective addresses set forth on the first page hereof, or at any other address that either party designates by the means herein prescribed for giving notice.

Section 10. Invalid Provision

10.1 The decision of any court of law or other governmental authority invalidating any portion of this Agreement shall not affect the validity of any remaining portion. The remaining portion shall remain in full force and effect as if the invalid portion were not a part of this Agreement when it was executed. In the event that the severance of any portion of this Agreement affects a material right or obligation of a party, the party may, by notice in writing, terminate this Agreement upon twelve-months notice.

Section 11. Waiver

11.1 The failure of either party to enforce at any time any of the provisions, rights or elections provided in this Agreement, irrespective of any previous action or proceeding taken by it, shall in no way be considered a waiver for those or any other provisions, rights, or elections.

Section 12. Attachments Part of the Agreement

12.1 Exhibit A, B, C, C1, C2, C3 Attachment 1 - 3 hereto shall form an integral part of this Agreement as though set forth in their entirety in the Agreement. In the event of a conflict between the numbered sections of this Agreement and the attachments, the provisions of the sections shall prevail.

Section 13. Amendments

13.1 This Agreement may only be amended by the execution of a written instrument executed by duly authorized representatives of both parties.

Section 14. Headings

14.1 The headings of this Agreement are inserted solely for the purpose of convenience of reference and are in no manner to be construed as part of this Agreement.

Section 15. Applicable Law

15.1 This Agreement has been entered into the State of Illinois and shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois, USA.

Section 16. Relationship of the Parties

16.1 Nothing contained in the Agreement shall be deemed: (a) To constitute either party, or any employee, agent or representative of either party, as an employee, agent or representative of the other party; (b) To create any partnership, joint venture, association or syndicate between the parties; or, (c) To confer with any express or implied right, power or authority to enter into any Agreement or commitment, express or implied, or to incur any obligation or liability on behalf of the other party.

Section 17. Entire Agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement and understanding between the parties as to the subject matter of this Agreement. No representations, warranties, or promises have been

made that are not fully set forth herein. As of the Effective Date, this Agreement replaces any and all previous Agreements between GE Zenith Controls, Inc. and Active Power. It is the intention of both parties that we continue to grow and develop our relationship to optimize the use of the capabilities of both parties and minimize the inefficiencies in all aspects of our business relationship.

Section 18. Signatures

In witness whereof, the parties have executed this Agreement by their duly authorized officers as of day and year set forth on the first page.

Attest: Active Power, Inc. GE Zenith Controls, Inc. By:

/s/ Sriram Sivaram

Sriram Sivaram Tom Duffy Vice President, Sales & Marketing GM Sales Active Power, Inc. GE Zenith Controls, Inc. General Electric Company


In consideration of the disclosure of proprietary information by Active Power, Inc., (hereinafter “Active Power”), 2128 West Braker, Austin, TX 78758, and GE Zenith Controls, Inc. (hereinafter “GE Zenith”), 830 West 40 th Street, Chicago, IL 60609 to each other, which information relates to present and prospective business relations between Active Power and GE Zenith. Such information includes data relating to disclosing party’s products, product development, manufacturing processes, product designs, materials and technology and/or other information not generally available to the public which is disclosed to or acquired by the non-disclosing party, from the disclosing party (hereinafter collectively “Proprietary Information”), the parties agree as follows:

1. Proprietary Information disclosed by either party to the other hereunder may be in written form or it may be electronically, orally or visually presented. If in written form, it shall be identified as Proprietary Information by an appropriate legend indicating its proprietary or confidential nature. If disclosed electronically, orally or visually, it shall be identified by the disclosing party as proprietary Information at the time of disclosure and shall be confirmed as such by written summary mailed to the receiving party within thirty (30) days of the original disclosure.
2. Proprietary Information disclosed by either party to the other hereunder shall be used by the receiving party solely in connection with the Long Term Supply Agreement by and between Active Power and GE Zenith for Uninterruptible Power Supplies, and related Supply Accessories (hereinafter “Products”). The parties agree for a period of four (4) years equal to the LTSA agreement:
(A) Not to disclose any Proprietary Information to any third party, exercising the same degree of care with regard to the protection of Proprietary Information as it uses in protecting and preserving its own confidential and proprietary information; and
(B) To restrict the dissemination of Proprietary Information to only those employees and affiliates who have a need to know such information in the performance of their duties related to the purpose of this Agreement.
3. The obligations of each party as set forth in this Agreement shall not apply to any information which:
(A) Has become generally available in the public domain without breach of this Agreement;
(B) The receiving party can establish by written documentation was in its possession prior to disclosure pursuant to this Agreement;
(C) The receiving party can establish by written documentation was independently developed;
(D) The disclosing party has disclosed to a third party without restriction;
(E) The receiving party has received from a third party who is properly in possession thereof and who has not received the same through an agreement with the other party to maintain such information in confidence; or
(F) The receiving party is compelled to release by law or in the course of litigation by a third party, provided that the receiving party provides the disclosing party with notice of such compulsion sufficiently in advance of disclosure so as to provide the disclosing party a reasonable time period to seek a protective order.
4. No rights are granted hereby except as expressly stated nor are any licenses under any patents or copyrights granted or to be implied by this Agreement. Neither party’s Proprietary Information may be copied except by express written permission of said party.
5. There are no warranties expressed or implied by this Agreement. Without limiting the foregoing, neither party nor their licensors make any representations nor extend any warranties, express or implied, as to the adequacy or accuracy of Proprietary Information or any other information or data related thereto, or with respect to the use thereof by the other party.
6. In no event, whether as a result of breach of contract, breach of warranty, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, shall either party or their licensors be liable for any loss or damage arising out of the other party’s use of Proprietary Information or any part thereof, and each party agrees to indemnify the other against any such liability.
7. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Illinois.
8. This Agreement is effective when duly signed by both parties and shall terminate upon cancellation of the LTSA. The obligations of Paragraph 2 above shall survive termination. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties pertaining to the subject matter hereof. No change, modification, alteration or addition to any provision of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of both parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party hereto has caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized representative.

Active Power, Inc. GE Zenith Controls, Inc. a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of GE Signature:

/s/ Sriram Sivaram

/s/ Thomas P. Duffy

Name & Title: VP of Sales and Marketing Name & Title: General Manager of Sales Date: 3/17/2005 Date: 3/16/2005


The sale of any service and products, and the integration thereof, ordered by the Customer is expressly conditioned upon the terms and conditions contained or referenced herein. Terms and conditions included in the GE Industrial Systems (herein called GE) proposal, where not in conflict with the terms included herein, shall be incorporated by reference. Any additional or different terms and conditions set forth in the Customer’s purchase order or similar communication are expressly objected to and will not be binding upon GE unless specifically agreed to in writing by an authorized GE employee.

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PROJECT shall be defined as the sale of products and services, and may incorporate any one or more of the following:

A. INSTALLATION/ MAINTENANCE/ CONSTRUCTION: Any combination of planning, management, labor, tools and incidental goods to move, install, assemble, modify, repair, modernize, start-up and/or maintain products.
B. FIELD ENGINEERING: Engineering and technical guidance, advice and counsel based upon GE’s current engineering, manufacturing, installation and operating practices, as related to work performed by others.
C. JOB MANAGEMENT: Any combination of planning, scheduling, monitoring or selection of crews, as specified in the contract documents.
D. ENGINEERING STUDY/ INSPECTION/ TEST: System design and analysis of equipment or systems by competent, experienced personnel using special techniques, instruments or devices with the objective of reporting opinions or recommendations relating to the current condition and future serviceability of the equipment or system.

GE warrants to Customer that products and any services furnished hereunder will be free from defects in material, workmanship and title and will be of the kind and quality specified in the GE written quotation. The foregoing shall apply only to failures to meet said warranties (excluding any defects in title) which appear within one (1) year from installation or eighteen (18) months from the date of shipment, whichever occurs first; provided, however, that if Customer, in the course of its regular and usual business, transfers title to or leases such products (including equipment incorporating such products) to a third party, such period shall run until one (1) year from such transfer or lease or eighteen (18) months from shipment by GE, whichever occurs first.

GE warrants that ENGINEERING STUDY/ INSPECTION/ TEST performed pursuant this agreement shall be prepared in a professionally competent manner, however, GE does not assume responsibility for specific operating results, nor for achieving desired objectives. This warranty applies only to failures which appear within one year from the date services are furnished, provided that Customer promptly notifies GE in writing of such failure. GE shall reperform any such defective portion of the services provided. If reperformance is not practicable, GE will furnish, without charge, services in an amount essentially equal to those that, in GE’s judgment, would have been required for reperformance of the defective service.

In no case does this warranty apply to any failure or nonconformance with specifications caused by or attributable to any associated or complementary products not supplied under this contract, nor shall it in any case apply to the quantity or quality of the product of Customer or the process of manufacture on which the products are used. The warranty and remedies are conditioned upon (a) proper storage, installation, use and maintenance, and conformance with any applicable recommendations of GE, and (b) Customer promptly notifying GE of any defects and, if required, promptly making the product available for correction.

If any product or service fails to meet the foregoing warranties (except title), GE shall thereupon correct any such failure either, at its option, (i) by repairing any defective or damaged part or parts of the products, and/or reperforming any defective service, or (ii) by making available, F.O.B. the GE plant or other mutually agreed upon point of shipment, any necessary repaired or replacement parts. If reperformance is not practicable, GE will furnish without charge services in an amount essentially equal to those that, in the sole judgment of GE, would have been required for reperformance. Where a failure cannot be corrected by GE’s reasonable efforts, the parties will negotiate an equitable adjustment in price.

In providing products or renewal parts, GE reserves the right to use refurbished circuit boards, which shall be warranted in accordance with this article. GE does not warrant computer hardware, software or products and services obtained from others but only the warranty of the manufacturer shall apply. GE’s obligation under this warranty shall terminate immediately upon any modification of products or software by Customer unless made with the approval of GE.


Subject to the provisions of this Article, GE warrants that products, services, or products and services in combination, furnished under this contract shall be delivered free of any rightful claim of any third party for infringement of any United States patent. If notified promptly in writing and given authority, information and assistance, and contingent upon Customer not taking any position adverse to GE in connection with such claim, GE shall defend, or may settle at its expense, any suit or proceeding against Customer so far as based on a claimed infringement which would result in a breach of this warranty and GE shall pay all damages and costs awarded therein against Customer due to such breach. In case any product, service or combination thereof is in such suit held to constitute such an infringement and the use of said product or service is enjoined, GE shall, at its expense and option, either procure for Customer the right to continue using said product or service, or replace same with a non-infringing product or service, or modify same so it becomes non-infringing, or remove the product or halt the service and refund the purchase price (less reasonable depreciation for any period of use) and any transportation costs separately paid by Customer. The foregoing states the entire liability of GE for patent infringement relating to products, services or any combination thereof.

The preceding paragraph shall not apply to any product or service specified by Customer or manufactured to Customer’s design, or to the use of any product in combination with products not provided by GE.


GE warrants that any software developed by GE under this contract shall conform to the GE-provided specification pertaining thereto at the time of its shipment. For a period of ninety (90) days following shipment of software, GE will provide amendments or alterations to the software that may be required to correct significant errors present at the time of shipment. GE’s obligation shall be limited, however, to assembling such amendments and/or alterations into a package, which includes code on the appropriate medium to enable Customer, at its expense, to implement said corrections. This warranty is contingent upon Customer advising GE, in writing, of such errors within such period.

GE does not warrant that operation of the software shall be uninterrupted or error-free or that it shall meet Customer’s needs. GE shall not be responsible for any portions of the software that have been modified by Customer, unless such changes are approved in writing by GE. Customer assumes the responsibility to take adequate precautions against damages to its operations that could be caused by defects, interruptions or malfunctions in the services performed by GE. Any work performed by GE due to difficulties or defects traceable to Customer errors or software changes shall be billed to Customer at GE’s then-prevailing standard rates for such services.