How to Tie a Quick Release Knot (Highwayman's Hitch)

This article was co-authored by Britt Edelen. Britt Edelen was an active member of his local Boy Scouts troop near Athens, Georgia from ages 8 to 16. As a Scout, he went on dozens of camping trips, learned and practiced many wilderness survival skills, and spent countless hours appreciating the great outdoors. In addition, Britt worked as a counselor for several summers at an adventure camp in his hometown, which allowed him to share his passion for and knowledge of the outdoors with others.

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Quick-release knots are those that you can undo with a simple tug, and the highwayman’s hitch is perhaps the most popular one. It looks like a complicated, secure knot when it’s tied, but a quick tug and it comes completely undone. The name comes from its history as a favorite knot of highwaymen in the days of stagecoach and train robbers. However, you can use this knot for simple hitching purposes, or just for fun! Just be careful since this knot comes undone easily and don’t use it for climbing or other weight-bearing purposes.