Frequently Asked Question

Some properties appraised by the Nueces County Appraisal District (NCAD) are eligible for
electronic filing of a protest for excessive appraisal and/or unequal appraisal on residential property.
If you choose to file your protest online, the following conditions must be met:

• You received an Appraisal Notice with your E-File PIN printed in the front top right section of
the notice. Your PIN will be used as your signature. Do not share this PIN with anyone else.
Your PIN is case sensitive; enter it exactly as it appears.

• The reason for the protest must be:

1. Value is Over Market Value; and/or

2. Value is Unequal compared with other properties
Important E-File Information:

• E-File is only available to a limited group of eligible residential properties.

• Properties represented by an authorized Tax Agent are not eligible to protest electronically.

• You will be able to submit additional supporting documentation/evidence electronically,

however you may mail or deliver a paper copy to NCAD before the date of your hearing.
Please make note of your Property ID & Case ID (found on the Protest Summary screen) on
all documentation submitted.

• Should you be unable to resolve your protest online you will automatically be scheduled for a
formal ARB hearing. You will receive your written Notice of Protest Hearing Letter via USPS
mail with your scheduled date and time.

• If you choose to E-File your protest, it is not necessary to mail or deliver a paper copy.
E-File allows you to:

• file your protest electronically;

• receive comparable sales or other evidence the Chief Appraiser plans to present at the formal

• receive a settlement offer to correct the Appraisal District's record by changing the value,

or receive a notice from the Appraisal District that no settlement offer will be made; and

• accept or reject a settlement offer made by the Appraisal District.
Computer/Browser Requirements:

•A valid email address that NCAD will use to communicate with you regarding your protest.
(Your email address will be kept confidential and not made available to any third parties.)

• Internet Explorer® 7 (IE8 is recommended) or higher OR Mozilla Firefox® 3.0.3 or higher.

• Adobe® Reader® 8.0 or higher.
For questions regarding electronic protests please contact our office at: 361-826-2100
If you wish to proceed & E-File your Protest, please see the back of this sheet for further instructions.
ARB hearing;

For more instructions, see the help section found on the E-File website
( This can be accessed from any
screen by clicking the “Help” button at the top right corner of the page.

Once the Appraiser has reviewed your protest, you will receive a response from the Nueces County

Appraisal District. As part of the response, evidence will be provided under the "Evidence and Letters

tab" available for your review. Once you have reviewed our response, you may do one of the following:

If you decide to accept the settlement offer:

If you fail to accept or reject our offer within 10 business days, we will proceed with your formal protest.
You will be scheduled for an Appraisal Review Board hearing and a Notice of Protest Hearing letter will
be mailed to you. If you did not get the confirmed message that your protest has been submitted or
have not heard from the Nueces County Appraisal District with a response by June 20th, please contact
our office at 361-826-2100.

If you do not accept the settlement offer:
• Click Reject;
• A Protest hearing date will be assigned and a Notice of Protest Hearing letter will be

mailed to you
• Click Accept;
• You will receive a response confirming you have accepted the offer;

• Your protest will be closed as “Agreed Settlement” and your hearing will be withdrawn
waiving your rights to a formal hearing per Section 1.111(e) of the Texas Property
Tax Code

E-File Protest Instructions

Once the previously stated conditions & requirements are met, follow these steps to file your protest:
1. Visit the Nueces CAD electronic protest website at:

2. Click on the “Create New User” button
3. Enter your Owner ID and PIN (found on the top right of your Appraisal Notice - "E-File PIN"). Your
PIN is case sensitive so please enter the PIN exactly as it apprears. Do not share your PIN, it is
considered your signature. If you loose your PIN, contact the Nueces County Appraisal District.
4. Complete the Website User Information section and follow the steps to complete your registration.

5. You will receive an email with a link to confirm your email address and register your account.

6. Once registered you may return to the site mentioned above and login to your online account.

7. After you have logged in you will see your Protest Summary. Click the “E-File Protest” button on
the left. This will give you a list of eligible properties along with their E-File status.
8. Click the “E-File” button next to the property you wish to protest and follow the steps to submit your
protest. After clicking “Create”, your protest will be sent to NCAD for processing.
9. You will receive an email that your protest has been submitted. Sometimes Internet Service
Providers will block the return as Junk/Spam mail, so be sure to check your Junk/Spam mail.

Note: Please provide a daytime phone number so that we may contact you if necessary. If your property
has a condition issue you believe may affect the Market Value, you must provide supporting
evidence. Please upload evidence such as pictures, estimates, etc. that will support your claim.

Remember the deadline for filling E-File protest is the "deadline for filing a protest" date printed on
the Appraisal Notice.