How do I find a journal's URL or homepage?
Searching the internet is the best way to find a journal's URL, or the web address for its homepage.
- The journal's homepage is where you find information about the journal online from the publisher, including author and submission policies and guidelines.
- You typically can't access full text articles for free from the journal.
Here's an example for the journal Teaching Exceptional Children.
- Go to Google, Yahoo, or another internet search engine and search for the journal name, like this:
"Teaching Exceptional Children" journal Search Tips: It is helpful to include the word journal in the search if it is not part of the journal name. Put the title in quotation marks to search for that exact phrase.
- Look at the results to determine which result is the journal's homepage.
- Click the journal's homepage in the search results. Copy and paste the web address, or URL, as needed.
For "Teaching Exceptional Children" the URL is:
More Information:
- Library Guide to Academic Publishing: Identify Publishers
- How do I find a DOI?
- How do I cite an article with a DOI?
- How do I cite an article without a DOI?
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